Image of the Day: Brand New Pyjamas | The Scientist Magazine

Striped Pyjama Squid (Sepioloidea lineolata). Credit: Tom Kleindinst

Brittany Grouge, an assistant in the 2017 ϲappEmbryology course, videotaped this day-old pyjama squid, which came from the MBL's new cephalopod breeding program in the Marine Resources Center. "We've provided hundreds of hatchlings and embryos to various courses, including Embryology," says Bret Grasse, manager of cephalopod operations at MBL. "As we continue to scale up, there will be an abundance of resources like this to support all the interested research communities at the MBL." From The Scientist Magazine

As it matures, this chromatophore-clad pyjama squid (Sepioloidea lineolata) hatchling will learn to use the color-changing cells that adorn its body to alter its appearance.

The patterns on pyjama squid (辱DZǾԱDZٲ) are made up of chromatophores—pigmented cells that can expose or hide their color as they expand and retract, respectively.
