Tϲapp’s Multiple Element Limitation Model (ϲappMEL) was originally written in Borland Delphi for IBM PC compatibles. In 2012 ϲappMEL was rewritten in the open source IDE Lazarus. You do not need Delphi or Lazarus to run the ϲappMEL model under Microsoft Windows. If you want to make changes to the ϲappMEL equations you will need Delphi or Lazarus. Versions of ϲappMEL written in Delphi will only run Microsoft Windows. Versions written in Lazarus can be compiled for Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, or Linux. The Lazarus IDE supports the Linux operating system, ϲappMEL should run under Linux but we have not tested it extensively.

Each version of ϲappMEL is packaged into a zip file. The zip file contains the full source code, the ϲappMEL Windows executable, and sample parameter and driver files. Before running ϲappMEL unzip the files into an empty directory.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, parameter files created in one version of the ϲappMEL arenotcompatible with another version.

Acceptable Use Policy

The software provided on this page has been tested under the Windows and OS X operating systems. However, its stability under all conditions cannot be guaranteed. The user assumes all risk for its use.

Downloading and using the software requires that:

  1. The Principal Investigator is sent a notice stating the model version downloaded.
  2. The user regularly checks this web site for updated software.
  3. The Principal Investigator of the model be sent a copy of the report or manuscript prior to submission and be adequately cited in any resultant publications.
  4. A copy of any resultant publications should be sent to:

Edward Rastetter
Ecosystems Center
Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Versions Available for Download

ϲappMEL Version III

Multiple species version with N fixation and DON fluxes, annual time step

Contains: MBLMELprogram, source code, sample parameter and driver files Created in: Delphi 5, update 1. Uses TMS Softwares TAdvstringgrid 󾱱:ϲappMEL III5sp.zip Relevant Citations: Original multiple species version – Herbert et al., 1999; N fixaton – Rastetter et al., 2001; DON losses – Rastetter et al., 2005

ϲappMEL Version III.5

Daily ϲappMEL with single soil layer

Contains: MBLMELprogram, source code, sample parameter and driver files Created in: Delphi 5, update 1. Uses TMS Softwares TAdvstringgrid version v3.4.8.6 󾱱:ϲappMEL v3.5.zip(single soil layer) Relevant Citations: None

ϲappMEL Version IV.2

Daily ϲappMEL with eight resources (Delphi version)

Contains: MBLMELprogram, source code, sample parameter and driver files Created in: Delphi 2007. Uses TMS Softwares TAdvstringgrid version 󾱱:ϲappMEL v4.2.zip Relevant Citations: None
Contains: MBLMELprogram, source code, sample parameter and driver files with new Uws. Created in: Delphi 2007. Uses TMS Softwares TAdvstringgrid version 󾱱:ϲappMEL v4.2.new Uws.zip Relevant Citations: None

ϲappMEL Version IV.3

Daily ϲappMEL with eight resources (Delphiand Lazarus)

Contains: MBLMELprogram, source code, sample parameter and driver files Created in: Delphi 2007. Uses TMS Softwares TAdvstringgrid version 󾱱:ϲappMEL 4.3.zip Relevant Citations: Rastetter et. al., 2013
Created in:
Modelshell: Lazarus v1.2.4.
Create Equations: Lazarus v1.2.4 plus TRichmemo v1.0
File: ϲappMEL 4.3L.zip
(available soon)

ϲappMEL Version V

Annual ϲappMEL

Contains: ϲappMEL program, sample parameter and driver files Created in: Modelshell: Lazarus v1.2.4. Create Equations: Lazarus v1.2.4 plus TRichmemo v1.0 󾱱:ϲappMEL 5.0.zip Relevant Citations: Rastetter et al., in prep

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants #OPP-9318529, OPP-9732281, DEB-9509613, DEB 0716067 (OPUS), DEB-0108960, ARC-0806329, EF-1065587, ARC-0856853, and DEB-0949420 and the Environmental Protection Agency under grants RFQ-RT-00-00107 and QT-RT-00-001667. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the Environmental Protection Agency.