Semester in Environmental Science (SES)

The MBL’s Semester in Environmental Science (SES) is a 15-week program that provides intensive field and laboratory-based learning opportunities to better understand ecosystem science and the biogeochemistry of coastal forests, freshwater ponds, and estuaries.

Course/Program Dates:
Sep 01, 2024 - Dec 17, 2024
Application due date: TBD
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Learn more about the SES program here.

JOIN US for your fall semester in an intensive field and laboratory-based program on ecosystem science and global change at the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

MEET OUR FACULTY who teach about fundamentals of ecosystems science and discuss their current research on important issues of global and environmental change. 

LEARN ABOUT SES COURSES in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem analysis, microbial methods, mathematical modeling, science journalism, and independent study where you develop research questions of your own and report your findings at a final symposium open to the Woods Hole scientific community, a world center for marine and environmental sciences.

BUILD A NETWORK with fellow students and more than 400 SES alums from over 50 colleges and universities. 70% of SES alums go on to graduate school and many continue to pursue environmental careers in academics, industry, and government or non-profit organizations.

Celebrating 25 Years of the Semester in Environmental Science
Seventy-five people gathered at tϲapp this month to celebrate 25 years of the Semester in Environmental Science (SES).

Seventy-five people gathered at tϲapp this month to celebrate 25 years of the Semester in Environmental Science (SES) and to introduce the new Semester in Biological Discovery.

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Faculty Testimonials Highlight Uniqueness of SES Program

SES Faculty Testimonials

Check Out the Videos Here
SES 26th Student Independent Research Symposium

Tϲapp's Semester in Environmental Science held the 26th annual Student Independent Research Symposium in Clapp Auditorium on Friday, December 15, 2023. Students who participated in the semester-long study abroad course presented the culmination of their independent research projects in 15-minute talks over the course of the day.

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