
  • Theuseofalcoholispermittedbythoseoflegaldrinkingage(21yearsoldofageandolder) within their Premises or Housing Facility.
  • DrinkingalcoholinpublicareasoftheMBLcampusisnotpermittedexceptatanϲappsanctioned event.
  • Theuseofillegaldrugsortheuseoflegaldrugsforpurposesotherthanintendedisstrictly prohibited.
  • AlthoughMassachusettshaslegalizedtheuseofmarijuana,theUnitedStateshasnotlegalized the use of marijuana.ϲappis a drug-free workplace and the use, possession, sale, and/or distribution of marijuana on MBL’s campus is prohibited.
  • Kegs are prohibited.
  • Dormitories/Apartments residents are allowed only beer/wine, no hard alcohol.
  • Cottage residents, residents of two-bedroom apartments, and residents of Crane House, 11 North Street, and Smith Cottage may use alcohol on their porches and in their immediate yards as long as those using alcohol are of legal drinking age.
  • Please maintain control of alcohol at all times. Do not leave open coolers or unlocked refrigerators containing alcohol unsecured in common areas. It will be confiscated.

All parties/gatherings for dormitory or apartment residents must be scheduled in advance and must take place in designated ϲappfunction space. Please call 508-289-7668 ormeetingspace@mbl.eduto schedule a party.

  • ܲ԰𲵾ٱDZԾٴǰǷɱ.
  • Gatherings(“gatherings”)arenotallowedinϲappDormitoryHousingFacilities.
  • Gatheringsinareasotherthancottages/campushousesshouldtakeplaceinreservable spaces and be registered according to ϲapppolicy. Please stop by the Swope front desk or emailmeetingspace@mbl.eduwith any questions.
  • ҲٳԲܲDzԳܻ11:00賾.
  • Residentsarerequiredtocleanthespaceusedforanoutdoorgatheringbyplacingtrash/recycling in their respective receptacles and returning furniture to its original locations.

Condition of room/apartment/cottage:
Except for normal wear and tear on facilities, occupants are responsible for losses and damages incurred. Occupants are prohibited from affixing materials to the walls, removing furniture, fixtures, or linens. Although a pet fee is required for those cottage residents who have been approved to bring pets, housing units should be left in the condition in which they were found upon arrival. A fee will be charged if repairs or replacement are required.

Room Decorations:
You are encouraged to decorate your living area in ways that will make you comfortable during your stay however, we ask that you refrain from damaging the paint or plaster, displaying anything that may be offensive to your roommate or any member of the ϲappcommunity, or hanging any cloth material from the ceiling or walls.

Furnishings provided by the ϲappare to be kept in the room/apartment/house/cottage in which they were found upon arrival. The ϲappdoes not store furniture for guests. Upon check out, furniture should be present, assembled, and in the same condition in which it was found at check in. For more information about specific furnishings, please click here.


No ϲapphousing residents are allowed unregistered guests for any duration of time.

  • Cottages/Campus Houses:
    • All cottage/house guests must be registered and approved by the Housing Office a minimum of 48 hours prior to arrival
    • Cottage/Campus House total occupancy must not exceed the number of beds plus one.
    • Guests may not exceed two nights in any week.
    • The resident holder of the cottage/house is responsible for their guest.
  • Campus Dormitory Housing:
    • Residents are only allowed guests based on registered position/tier and availability of space.
    • All potential guests must be registered and approved by the Housing Office a minimum of 48 hours prior to arrival
    • Guests may not exceed two nights in any week.
    • The resident holder of the housing is responsible for their guest.
  • Undergraduate Guests:
    • An undergraduate living on the ϲappcampus may request to have a guest stay with them for no more than two (2) consecutive nights.
    • The request MUST be submitted at least one week prior to the requested dates and MUST be approved by the Student Life Coordinator prior to the guest’s arrival.
    • An Undergraduate Guest Request Form MUST be filled out completely before a guest request can be approved.
      • Forms may be obtained from the Resident Assistant or from the Student Life Coordinator.
    • All assigned residents of the host’s dorm room must sign the form consenting to their roommate having a guest.
    • Only two undergrad hosts may have one guest each on the same day(s) and the hosts cannot be housed in the same dorm room.
    • The undergrad host will submit the completed form to their RA or Student Affairs Manager for verification of completion.
      • Signatures required for submission of the form are the host’s roommate(s).
      • The host and guest will complete and sign the bottom half of the form upon the guest’s check-in with the housing or security staff at the Swope front desk.

If the request is approved:

  1. Hosts of approved guests must be present on campus to receive their guest in person.
  2. Upon the guest’s arrival:
    1. Guest and Host need to sign in at the front desk of Swope
    2. A parking pass will be distributed at check-in if requested
  3. Approved guests must remain in the company of their host while on the ϲappcampus
  4. Under no circumstances will guests be allowed to have on their person or use their host’s ϲappID or housing keys.
  5. Upon the guest’s departure:
    1. Guest and host must sign out at the front desk of Swope
    2. Guest must return parking pass at check-out
  6. Any violation of this guest policy could result in the guest being asked to leave the ϲappcampus immediately and the host could face disciplinary action.


  • ճڱٲǴԳٲǴܳٳDzǰٲԳٴٳѵ.
  • ǰٱ𳦳ٴǰ󲹱ԲٲԻھ𱹲ܲپDz徱𳦳پDzԲDzٱ𲹳󲹱ɲ.
  • Fireextinguishershavebeenplacedinallhallwaysandhousekeeping units;housingstaffcheck fire extinguishers on a regular basis.Tampering with any fire safety equipment is strictly prohibited.


  • TheburningofcandlesorincenseisprohibitedinanyMBLfacility.
  • SmokingisprohibitedinanyMBLfacility.
  • Smokingoutsideisnotpermittedwithin50feetof buildings.


  • Ifafirealarmsounds,thenyoumustevacuatethebuilding immediately.
  • Firstusethebackofyourhandtofeelthebackofthedoortodetermineifthereisheator electrical current.
  • Oncethedoorwayiscleartoenter,openyourdoorandfollowtheescaperoutepostedinthe hallway of your building or go to the nearest exit.
  • Ifthereissmokeinthehallway,crouchdownassmokerises.
  • Ifyouseeflamesoutsideofyourpremises,thengobackintoyourpremisesandplaceawet towel at the base of your door and call for help.


  • Theuseofopencoilcookingappliancessuchastoasters,toasterovens,hotplates,air conditioners and space heaters are prohibited in ϲappHousing Facilities.
  • Thefollowingelectricalappliancesarepermitted:
    • MBL-providedrefrigeratorsandmicrowavesinindividualHousingFacilityrooms.
    • HotPotsforheatingwateronly
    • Fans(ACunitsare not allowed)
    • Irons


  • Identification:
    Residents of ϲapphousing must carry their ϲappID at all times.
  • Propping Outside Doors:
    For the safety of all, the propping open of outside doors in the housing facility is strictly prohibited.
  • Suspicious Activity:
    Please report any suspicious activity to the Campus Security at ext. 7217.
  • Weapons:
    The possession of weapons is strictly prohibited. The use of any material/instrument as a weapon is strictly prohibited and will be reported to the appropriate authority.


  • Keys to the housing facility are distributed at check in and collected at check out.
  • Residents are responsible for their keys.
  • Please lock your door(s) and carry your keys whenever leaving your room/apartment/house/cottage.
  • Failure to return your key at check out will result in a $60 charge.

Loss of personal items:
The ϲappis not responsible for the loss of personal effects and recommends the use of lockable luggage. We recommend that you consult your Home Owners/Renters Insurance policy for coverage.


  • Pets are not allowed in any dormitory, apartment, or house.
  • However, a limited number of cottages have been designated as “pet” cottages.
  • Pets are allowed in those cottages with prior approval by the Housing Office.
  • There is a $250 per pet fee for those approved to have pets in their cottages.
  • Applicants are limited to two pets.
  • Should pets damage the cottage or disturb neighbors, the occupants may be asked to vacate the premises immediately and may jeopardize future housing privileges.
  • Damage to cottages and/or furnishings from pets may result in additional charges.
  • The presence of pets in “non pet” cottages will result in immediate eviction from the premises.View the ϲappPet Policy here.


  • No off-season storage is provided.
  • Storage is available at local storage facilities.
  • Any personal items found in your room/suite/apartment/cottage/house after your departure will be kept in Lost and Found for a period of 10 days.


  • Window screens are not to be opened or removed at any time nor should any materials be hung or suspended on the outside of a window.
  • Entering or exiting a building through a window is strictly prohibited.
  • During the cooler months it is recommended that windows be shut and locked whenever leaving the room.
  • Broken windowpanes and screens should be reported to the Housing Office immediately.