All lectures are in Loeb G70. Lab exercises are held in Loeb 306.
Coffee breaks will be served in the Quadrangle Tent.
Meals are in the Swope Center Dining Room, 2nd
floor. Any meal may be taken outdoors or in your room.
Breakfast: 7-8:30AM
; Lunch: 11:30AM-1:00PM; Dinner: 5-7:00PM.

Time Event/Speaker


2:00 PM

Optional Workshop: Basics of Cell Culturing
Gloria Perez, Michigan State University (Meet in Loeb 306)

5:00 PM Welcoming Dinner, Café Swope Terrace Tent (first floor of Swope Center)
7:00 PM

EEO Information and Logistics
Biosafety, Regulatory Restrictions, Student Surveys & Team Assignments Warren Vieira, Magee Women’s Research Institute.

7:15 PM

Brief Overview of Stem Cells, Directed Differentiation and iPSCs
Warren Vieira, Magee Women’s Research Institute.

8:00 PM

Introduction to Stem Cells and Regeneration in Planarian Flatworms
David Forsthoefel, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) & University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center


9:00 AM ϲappWelcome
Linda Hyman, MBL, Burroughs Wellcome Director of Education
9:15 AM

Skin Regeneration
Jeff Biernaskie, University of Calgary

10:00 AM

Pluripotent Stem Cells and Interspecies Organogenesis
Jun Wu, UT-Southwestern

10:45 AM

Coffee Break (Quadrangle Tent, outside Loeb)

11:00 AM

Pre-Lab Prep: hESC Differentiation
Instructor: Diane Carlisle. TA: Stacy Yeh, University of Pittsburgh.
Students will differentiate hESC into their cell lineage of choice. On Day 1, trainees will begin differentiation of their own dish of human iPSCs as well as propagate a plate of iPSCs. Medium will need to be changed on student’s own time on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday following instructions in the lab binder.


Founder’s Luncheon (Swope Private Dining Room)
With Jerry Schatten, University of Pittsburgh (Group 1)

1:00 PM

Lab 1: Deriving Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Immunosurgery
Instructor: Cal Simerly. TA: Shanae Butler & Mitch Harancher. Magee Women’s Research Institute
Students will learn how to isolate the inner cell mouse cells (ICM) from expanded blastocysts using the antibody: complement technique and transfer isolated ICMs for deriving mouse embryonic stem cells.

Lab 2: Regeneration in Planarians
Instructor: David Forsthoefel; TA: Matt Delaney, OMRF
Students will observe regeneration in living planarians, visualize neoblast (stem cell) proliferation in regenerating fragments, and then design experiments to test planarians' regenerative capacity and the requirement for proliferation.

6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Course Participant Introductions


9:00 AM Lecture: Bioengineering CNS Morphogenesis for High-Throughput Screening in Regulatory Science and Disease Modeling Applications
Randolph Ashton, University of Wisconsin - Madison
9:45 AM

Lecture: Using the Mexican Axolotl to Unlock the Secrets of Limb Regeneration
Kate McCusker, University of Massachusetts - Boston

10:30 AM Coffee Break (Quadrangle Tent, outside Loeb)
10:45 AM

Lecture: Bottom-Up Islet Engineering
Quinn Peterson, Mayo Clinic

11:30 AM Break

Founder’s Luncheon (Swope Private Dining Room)
With Jerry Schatten, University of Pittsburgh (Group 2)


Lab 1: Regeneration in Salamanders: limb regeneration Instructors: Kate McCusker, University of Massachusetts, Boston. TA: Shauna Kelly, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Students will use the Accessory Limb Model to study cell cycle dynamics.

Lab 2: Pancreatic Islet Engineering
Instructor: Quinn Peterson. TA: Sean Lewis. Mayo Clinic
Students will take pluripotent stem cell derived islet spheroids, disperse, and reaggregate them into designer endocrine spheroids.

6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM

Lecture: Investigating Mitochondrial Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration using Patient-Specific Neurons
Diane Carlisle, University of Pittsburgh

8:00 PM Course Participant Introductions


9:00 AM Lecture: Neuroprotective and Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy in a Pig Stroke Model:
Franklin West, University of Georgia
9:45 AM Break
10:15 AM Lecture: Reenergizing Regeneration – Cell Metabolism at the Crossroads of Mammalian Digit Regeneration:
Mimi Sammarco, Tulane University and Robert Tower, University of Texas - Southwestern

Founder’s Luncheon (Swope Private Dining Room)
With Jerry Schatten, University of Pittsburgh (Group 3)

1:00 PM

Lab: Spatial RNA sequencing
Instructors: Mimi Sammarco, Tulane University; Robert Tower, University of Texas - Southwestern; 10X Representatives

6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM

Stem Cell and Regeneration Research Funding
Ravi Ravindranath, NIH/NICHD

8:00 PM

Career Mentoring Discussion
Q&A panel facilitated by Jennifer Morgan, Warren Vieira, and other course faculty.


9:00 AM

Lecture: Large Animal Models for Germ Cell Research
Ina Dobrinski, University of Calgary

9:45 AM Coffee Break
10:00 AM

Lecture: Translating Spermatogonial Stem Cell Transplantation to the Clinic
Kyle Orwig, University of Pittsburgh

10:45 AM

Lecture: Derivation of Functional Spermatids from Pluripotent Stem Cells
Chas Easley, University of Georgia

11:30 AM 10x Presentation
12:00 PM

Free Afternoon to Explore Woods Hole and the Vineyard

1:30 PM Optional Trip on the Gemma
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM

Lecture: CNS Regeneration in Non-Mammalian Vertebrates
Ava Udvadia, Appalachian State University

8:00 PM T-Shirt Nite Celebration, Quad Tent


9:00 AM

BIOETHICS LECTURE: Ethical and Social Aspects of Gene Editing
Erika Kleiderman, University of Montreal School of Public Health

9:45 AM Coffee Break
10:00 AM

Lecture: Picking your favorite - Cell identification and Selection Strategies in Human Neural Stem Cell Biology
Jan Pruszak, Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Austria

10:45 AM Marine Resources Center and ϲappLibrary Tours
11:45 AM

Course Photo – Wear your T-shirts!
Meet in Loeb 1st floor Lobby. Photo Location TBA depending on weather


Founder’s Luncheon (Swope Private Dining Room)
With Jerry Schatten, University of Pittsburgh (Group 4)

1:00 PM

Lab 1: hESC Pluripotency & Differentiation
Instructor: Diane Carlisle. TA: Stacy Yeh, University of Pittsburgh.
Students will check the pluripotency of hESC using a live cell stain and also determine the quality of our week-long directed differentiation using immunofluorescent staining.

Lab 2: Isolating & Characterizing Neural stem cells using FACS Strategy
Instructor: Jan Pruszak. Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) TA: Gloria Perez. Michigan State University
In this laboratory, students will learn the techniques for isolating specific
PSC-derived subsets of therapeutic and scientific relevance using flow cytometry.

6:00 PM


7:00 PM Lecture: Zebrafish tendon and ligament regeneration
Jenna Galloway, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
8:00PM Lecture: Spiny mouse regeneration
Malcolm Maden, University of Florida


9:15 AM

SCARE Alumni Mini Symposium
Introduction: Ina Dobrinski/Chas Easley

9:30 AM

Lecture: Unlocking the potential of induced pluripotent stem cells in vascular regenerative medicine
Katie Hekman, Emory University School of Medicine

10:00 AM

Lecture: The Eyes Have It: Corneal stem cells and more
Jena Chojnowski, Winthrop University

10:30 AM Coffee Break
10:45 AM

Keynote Alumni Lecture: A Human Neuronal Model for Studying Efficacy of Therapeutics for Reversal of Dementia-Associated Neuropathology Induced by Amyloid-Β Peptides
Lubna Tahtamouni, The Hashemite University

11:45 AM Break
Noon Lunch
1:00 PM

Lab 1: Finish all ongoing experiments
Instructors: Cal Simerly, Shanae Butler: Check on mESC derivation.
Instructors: David Forsthoefel, Matt Delaney: Evaluate planarian regeneration
Instructors: Kate McCusker, Shauna Kelly: Image blastemas.
Instructor: Mimi Sammarco, Robert Tower. Bioinformatic analysis

3:00 PM

Lab 2: Finish all ongoing experiments
Instructors: Quinn Peterson, Sean Lewis: Students will take pluripotent stem cell derived islet spheroids, disperse, and reaggregate them into designer endocrine spheroids.

4:00 PM Break
5:00 PM

Pioneer Lecture: Self Organization of Stem Cells into Embryos
Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz (University of Cambridge & California Institute of Technology)

6:15 PM Break
6:30 PM Reception and Awards Banquet
8:00 PM

Presentation of Pioneer Award and Student Certificates
Ina Dobrinski, Chas Easley