Start-up checklist

See below.


Please check in at the front desk on the first floor of Swope. The Housing Office is staffed from 7 AM to 9 PM, Monday-Saturday, and 9 AM to 7 PM on Sunday. If you arrive after office hours and find the doors locked, please use the blue emergency phone at the front door of Swope to call Campus Security for assistance at 508-289-7217 (or extension 7217 from any house phone).

If you are staying in 澳门六合彩appHousing, you will need to check in at the front desk of Swope for your room/cottage key and to get your 澳门六合彩appcard.听 If your arrival is delayed, please call the Housing Office at 508-289-7213 or email聽 聽Failure to inform Housing of an arrival delay may be subject to a cancellation fee.听 Cottages (at Devil鈥檚 Lane and Memorial Circle) are located approximately one mile away from the 澳门六合彩appmain campus and you will require transportation to get there. A聽shuttle schedule聽is available here or you can choose to walk along the footpath to the right of the entrance of the Devil鈥檚 Lane parking lot that connects directly to the Shining Sea Bikeway. For more information about housing, click here.

If you are聽not聽staying in 澳门六合彩apphousing, you will still need to check in at the front desk of Swope to get your 澳门六合彩appcard and keys to your lab if you have been assigned to Lillie or MRC.听 If your lab assignment is in Rowe, your 澳门六合彩appcard, when swiped through the card reader, will let you into the building and into your lab.听 If for some reason it does not, please first check to make sure you are using your most current 澳门六合彩appcard and then contact聽research@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7173 (x7173). If you arrive after office hours and find the doors locked or, if when on campus, you are locked out of your space, please use the blue emergency phone at the front door of Swope to call Campus Security for assistance at 508-289-7217 (x7217).


澳门六合彩appcards, which serve as your photo ID while on campus and which allow access into the buildings, are available at the front desk of Swope Center. 澳门六合彩appcards are programmed to begin on your registration start date and end on your departure date and can be picked up between 7 AM to 9 PM, Monday-Saturday, and 9 AM to 7 PM on Sunday. Please be sure to bring a driver鈥檚 license or a photo-ID when picking up your 澳门六合彩appcard.

Parking permit

You need an 澳门六合彩appcard in order to apply for your parking permit. . Permits can be picked up at the front desk of Swope. 聽There are two types of 澳门六合彩appparking permits for Whitman Center Scientists:聽GREEN聽For Whitman Scientists聽not聽staying in 澳门六合彩appcottages, which allows parking on campus (Lillie, Loeb, Swope, Broderick, and Bar Neck lots) any time if space available and聽RED聽for Whitman Scientists staying in 澳门六合彩appcottages聽and all others affiliated with the Whitman Center, which allows parking at the individual cottages or at the Devil鈥檚 Lane off-campus parking lot. Those with RED parking permits do have the option of parking in campus lots from 5 PM鈥7 AM, Monday-Friday, and on weekends and holidays.听Additional information about parking can be found聽here.

Shipping & Receiving

All visiting personnel who expect to receive packages/mail must register in the Mail Room (Lillie 8D) to ensure delivery. For more information on shipping click here聽or email聽

Campus map

For a colored map of the 澳门六合彩appcampus,听click here.


  • Check-in at the front desk on the first floor of Swope to pick up your 澳门六合彩appcard, parking sticker, and housing/lab keys if applicable.
  • Connect to the 澳门六合彩appinternet (wireless access at MBL-Guest, see signs on campus for password)
  • Connect to the聽聽- must be on campus or on vpn to access - (username: first initial, last initial, 5-digit number on 澳门六合彩appcard, e.g., cd12345; password: same as user name until user resets).
  • Sign up for at聽(to request and/or share chemicals, dry ice, equipment, etc.).听This link also gives you the opportunity to unsubscribe at聽the end of your stay.


  • For use of marine organisms, contact Marine Resources Center at 508-289-7477. For use of non-marine animals, contact Animal Care Facility at 508-289-7288.


  • All laboratories need a chemical inventory. Contact Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7424 if you do not already have one.
  • Fill out the emergency contact card on the back of the door to your lab with your phone numbers.


  • Pick up any equipment you have rented from Laboratory Operations聽in Lillie 8C (508-289-7444).
  • Laboratory supplies and chemicals are available from the Stockroom in Lillie 2; training is required for access (see below).
  • General-use equipment is available in Rowe 218 & 318 and Lillie 218. Tissue culture rooms are located in Rowe 317 or Lillie 224; training is required for access (see below).
  • Microscopes are available for general use from the Central Microscopy Facility.


  • Packages will be delivered to your laboratory (address to name, lab number, 7 澳门六合彩appStreet, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015). Otherwise, pick them up from Shipping & Receiving in Lillie 12.听For more information on shipping, please click here.
  • Mail (addressed as above) will be delivered to the Mail Room in Lillie 8D. Please register in the Mail Room upon arrival.


  • If you do not find your previously stored items in your laboratory upon arrival, email聽boxes@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7326.
  • If you have brought items that need to be stored in -80 freezers, they are located in Rowe 318 and Lillie 218. 澳门六合彩apphas two cold rooms available for general use, one in Rowe 315 and one in Lillie 14. All stored items must be labeled and your name added to the sign-up sheet on the door.


  • Autoclave: Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7424.
  • Tissue culture: Louie Kerr at聽 or 508-289-7273.
  • Stockroom: Stockroom at聽stockroom@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7449.
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan (new in 2017, mandatory for anyone new to the MBL): Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7424.
  • Radioactive material or lasers: Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7645.


  • Removal of purged chemicals and hazardous waste: Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7424 (additional empty containers, plastic bags, and hazardous waste labels available from Safety).
  • Removal of sharps containers and glass box disposal: Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7424.
  • Proper disposal of all animals (locally collected marine animals, terrestrial, non-native marine, or treated): Safety at聽safety@mbl.edu聽or 508-289-7424.
  • Autoclave all biological waste in autoclave bags and dispose of in dumpster.听Be sure all bags are removed and disposed from autoclaves.

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, email us at聽, or call 508-289-7173.


Wireless network access is available to everyone in the 澳门六合彩appCommunity while on campus. The 澳门六合彩appoffers multiple available wireless networks to address the varying connection requirements for all members of the 澳门六合彩appCommunity. Information about access to any of the following networks can be obtained from the IT office at聽,听, or call 508-289-7654.

  • MBL-GUEST: 澳门六合彩appoffers wireless guest Internet access on the 鈥淢BL-GUEST鈥 network in all buildings on the main campus. 聽Refer to signs posted on campus for the password or contact the IT office.
  • MBL-REGISTER: 聽For access to the 澳门六合彩appprivate network, contact the IT office or refer to information at the IT website on MBL鈥檚 Intranet.
  • eduroam: 聽Provides access to the 鈥渆duroam鈥 secure wireless network and is available to users whose home institution is also an 鈥渆duroam鈥 Identity Provider such as UChicago.

Ethernet data jacks with direct access to the 澳门六合彩appnetwork are available to all dormitories and apartments. Several computers, one printer, and six phone jacks (for use with laptops with modems) are available on the first floor of the Swope Center. Additional computers, as well as photocopiers, can be found in the Library on the second floor of Lillie.


You will find up-to-date 澳门六合彩appinformation and frequently used internal documents on the Intranet. In order to log on, you will either need to be on campus or connected to the . You will need your 澳门六合彩appcard, which you will receive on check in at the front desk of Swope Center.听 Once you have your card, you can access the Intranet at聽聽(access will coincide with the start and end dates on your 澳门六合彩appcard).听 Your username will be your聽first initial, last initial, and your 澳门六合彩appcard number which can be found under the barcode on your physical 澳门六合彩appcard (e.g., cd12345).听 Your initial password is the same as your username, however, you can change that password by going to聽聽and setting up a new password of your own.听 Once you have a new password, we recommend you visit聽聽and review your emergency contact information.

Information about 澳门六合彩appsummer activities (summer courses schedule, evening seminars, Friday Evening Lectures (a 125-year tradition), brown-bag lunches by Whitman Center Research Awardees, etc.) can be found on the 澳门六合彩appcalendar. Once you arrive on campus and have access to MBL鈥檚 Intranet (), you can submit an event right from the intranet calendar (see 鈥渟ubmit course event鈥 link on left hand side of page). It will come to the Communications Office for approval. You can designate on the form if it is a public event or internal only. Once it鈥檚 on the calendar, it will feed to the intranet calendar, public facing site events calendar, and digital signage. This is the preferred way for the 澳门六合彩appto receive items for the calendar.

澳门六合彩appCourse Events
澳门六合彩appcurrently offers advanced, graduate-level courses in Embryology, Physiology, Neurobiology, Neural Systems and Behavior, Microbial Diversity, Frontiers in Reproduction, and Biology of Parasitism for six to eight weeks each summer. More specialized special topics courses (one to four weeks in duration) are also offered during the spring, summer, and fall. Course lectures are open to EVERYONE in the 澳门六合彩appcommunity, and Whitman Center Scientists and Staff are encouraged to attend these and to interact with course faculty and students. For course schedules, visit the Education page. For information on evening lectures and seminars sponsored by courses, see the 澳门六合彩appCalendar.

鈥淭own Hall鈥 meetings
Whitman Scientists are invited annually to attend Town Hall Meetings to discuss Whitman Center programs, issues, and future plans. Meetings are followed by a social event and will be announced at the beginning of summer by email.

Children鈥檚 programs
Information about 澳门六合彩appchildren鈥檚 programs is available here.

Family activities
offers 3- and 6-week hands-on sciences courses for children ages 7-16. . , located ~5 miles from the 澳门六合彩appcampus and accessible by bike path, provides week-long children鈥檚 athletic and creative summer programs.