Sponsor an ϲappFalmouth Road Race Runner

Collage of ϲappStaff and Octopus graphic

Twenty incredible ϲappemployees, scientists, and resident faculty will lace up their running shoes and represent tϲapp as Team ϲappin the renowned Falmouth Road Race on August 18th.

Your tax-deductible gift of $1,500 will sponsor one teammate, but no amount is too small! Support Team ϲapptoday! Your sponsorship is an investment in the ϲapp- where we gather scientists and students from around the world to answer biology’s biggest questions. Funds raised will directly support the Lab.

MBL’s runners embody the passion and commitment of our year-round community. They represent the many programs and departments across campus who work together to make ϲappprograms possible. By sponsoring a runner, not only are you supporting them in their athletic endeavor, but you are also making a direct impact on the important work of the ϲappto advance basic science and train the next generation of investigators.

Your generous donation may also enroll you inThe Whitman Society of leadership donors where you will join loyal supporters who help sustain the Lab with annual gifts of $1,200 to more than $50,000.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference and show your support. Together, we can make strides toward a brighter future.