Day 1 - October 7 (Thursday) 10AM-12:30PM EST

10:10-10:55AM:OlegSimakov, University of Vienna (Austria) -Aquatic invertebrate genomes, towards vertebrate (and vertebrate-like) origins

11:00-11:45AM:Camille Berthelot, Institute Pasteur Paris (France) -Building a comparative atlas of teleost genome evolution

11:45AM-12:30PM: Community Discussion on the Current State of Aquatic Genomics - Genome Assembly/Gene Annotation/Comparative Genomics

Day 2 - October 8 (Friday) 10AM-12:30PM EST

10:10-10:55AM:Emily Wong, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (Australia) –Detecting deeply conserved gene regulatory programs using zebrafish

11:00-11:45AM:Jeffrey Farrell, NIH/NICHD (USA) –Transcriptional trajectories to determine cellular histories: so you want to single-cell sea-quence?

11:45AM-12:30PM: Community Discussion: Current state of Aquatic Genomics - Genome Functional Annotation and Databases

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