My Heartening Summer School Class on the New Science of Aging | The Boston Globe

The ocean quohog (Arctica islandica) has evolved to live more than 500 years. Credit: JC Schou cc-by-nc

WOODS HOLE — As I headed to Cape Cod this summer to attend a new course about the latest science on aging, my sister texted: “If they say anything positive about getting older, I’d love to hear it. So far it seems pretty sucky.”

Good news first, then: The very existence of the advanced research course I audited at the august Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole bodes well for those of us rooting for science to find ways to slow our decline.

Its launch fits into a recent burst of research energy directed at the fundamental drivers of how organisms age, from yeast to humans.

“In the last 10 years, there’s been an explosion of interest and research on longevity and health span, so a niche area of biology has grown into a real field,” said course co-director Jennifer Garrison from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, based in Novato, Calif.