Inoué Honored in Symposium by Microscopy Society of America

Shinya Inoué lecturing in the ϲappPhysiology course in 2007. Credit: Dyche Mullins

The late Shinya Inoué, pioneering live-cell microscopist and ϲappDistinguished Scientist for nearly four decades, was honored with a memorial symposium on August 2 at the annual meeting of the Microscopy Society of America in Portland, Ore.

The abstract for the symposium, , was written by several ϲappscientists who collaborated with Inoué or who were indirectly influenced by Inoué's great contributions to biological imaging: Abhishek Kumar, Louis Kerr, Michael Shribak, Rudolf Oldenbourg, and Nipam Patel.

, former director of the advanced imaging course (AQLM) Inoué founded at ϲappin 1979, co-organized the symposium along with and , who have also served as faculty or directors of ϲappimaging courses. Kumar, Oldenbourg, Watkins,   (a member of MBL’s Imaging Committee), (former Brown University-ϲappPhD student), Bonnie Howell (AQLM alumna) and one of Shribak’s collaborators, Yujin Bao, were among the presenters.

Shribak and (co-director of MBL’s Optical Microscopy and Imaging in the Biological Sciences course) are currently working to combine super-resolution microscopy with their Inoué-inspired technology, OI-DIC (orientation-independent differential interference contrast microscopy). They recently published

Below, ϲappSenior Scientist Rudolf Oldenbourg presents at the Microscopy Society of America's Shinya Inoué Memorial Symposium on August 2.

Rudolf Oldenbourg presenting at MSA Shinya Inoue Memorial Symposium 2022